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Book Publisher and IP Holder – Master of eCommerce Book Sales – Team of Writers on Staff – 167 Books in Portfolio – All Intellectual Rights Convey

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Website Closers® presents an eCommerce Book Publisher and Content Creator that has a strong team of freelancers in place that create content in the form of fiction books. So far, the company has built a strong portfolio of assets in the form of 167 books in various formats. Their intellectual property has been registered in numerous countries.

­Having sold 15 million+ copies of their books so far, generating profits of $35 million+ over the past decade, the company has demonstrated that there is demand for original fiction novels that appeal to key segments of the book-buying consumer.

Using the talents of skilled freelancer writers, the books are marketed under a pen name that has become synonymous with popular Young Adult fiction, an enormously lucrative market that this company has won over, while also appealing to adult readers.

Their fiction novels appeal to lovers of fantasy, romance, action, and mystery, and are readily available online in paperback, audiobooks and as eBooks. Published in eight different languages, the company has demonstrated how profitable independent book publishing can be if the writing captures the imagination of readers and their marketing attracts a fast-growing and loyal following.

The book publishing industry has radically changed thanks to eCommerce. No longer is book publishing limited to a handful of large publishing houses. Today original works are made available online, and through creative digital marketing (particularly social media), traditional publishing houses and rapidly disappearing brick-and-mortar bookstores are being bypassed.

Today the global book publishing market is valued at $93 billion and projected to reach $136.1 billion by 2030 as online retail bookstores match soaring consumer interest in eBooks and digital audiobooks. As long as the quality of the books is high, readers today are all too eager to explore what eCommerce bookshops have to offer.

A buyer can consider this company’s profits, which average $4.9 million per year in the past 8 years of operation, where all revenue is generated through royalties, while at the same time, the company is not dependent on a single author and has low expenses for each book creation – all highly attractive propositions for whoever acquires this thriving business. The company has 4 new books ready to be launched, and they have clearly demonstrated that their audience is eager for more.  Additionally, they have signed agreements with two large international literary agencies that could have a huge impact on the company’s future.

Their Products

The company hires freelance writers, each of whom has different job skills for every stage of a book’s development. For inspiration, the company has relied on readers who suggest ideas for new books and review manuscripts and make recommendations for possible changes. This has not only enabled the company to keep in sync with their readers but has been highly cost-effective.

The company’s revenue comes from the royalties they generate from the sale of their books by third party publishers. Their book series are sold on Amazon, and the brand has proven to be a top seller in several genres, including Vampire Romance, the Paranormal, and Fantasy.

Most impressively, the company has expanded sales beyond its target audience of Young Adults and is watching sales rapidly increase among women ages 40-60.

Their Marketing

From the start, the success of each book has been directly proportional to how much is spent on marketing, and their marketing activities have focused on running PPC ads on Amazon and Facebook.  This has enabled the company to get their books picked up for additional distribution through retailers such as BookBub and GoodReads. Visitors to their website are directed to sales on Amazon.

Organic traffic is also driven through the company’s social media accounts, particularly Facebook, where they have 15,000+ followers and make announcements about new, upcoming books to stay engaged with their most loyal readers.

The company has some significant scale opportunities available, particularly by directing their advertising to the Asian market, specifically China and India. The company has already received interest from TenCent, a Chinese multinational firm, and those contracts will be made available to the company’s new owner.

The company has four books that are ready to be published, including two that would mark the first in a new series. Other assets include recently signed agreements with two international literary agencies.  Those are assets that would also get transferred to the new owner.


This business is highly automated, and the current ownership spends just 10 hours per week running it. Those activities include establishing budgets for marketing and content creation and defining the general guidelines of the company. The current owner is excited to help a new owner with the transition, teaching everything that is needed to successfully move forward in this company, but more so, is happy to also help for the longer term if needed for ongoing assistance with developing new series, adjacent verticals or anything else that might be necessary. The owner has told our firm that this succession plan has been many years in the making and it is going to be well organized to put the new owner into a position to be successful right out of the gates.

The staff for this brand is large and strong, with over 200 freelancer writers and contractors that direct marketing, edit books and serve in various capacities, including financial controller and others. This is a well-rounded staff of seasoned professionals that is ready to be guided to the next generation of this publishing house … and continue to make history.

Books remain a highly competitive field, as more than a few flash in the pan authors have discovered. Audience tastes change quickly, and it’s crucial to keep up with them. That’s one of the key benefits to owning this company: the fact that it has a faithful readership firmly in place, employs skillful writers, and is well established on strong eCommerce platforms. For a buyer, there are opportunities to take each book series in a different creative direction. But the operations of this company are firmly established, profitable, and ready to be scaled.

This Company is Represented by:

Tech, Internet & eCommerce Business Brokers

WC 3040

Asking Price
$ 15,000,000
Cash Flow
$ 4,023,154
Gross Income
$ 4,906,855
Year Established

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