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Custom Female Apparel eCommerce Brand – Tshirts, Hoodies, Tank Tops and Other Custom Made SKUS – In-House Design Team – Branded Website & Etsy Channels – Huge Scale Opportunity on Amazon


Website Closers® presents an eCommerce Brand in the Women’s Fashion Industry that’s accomplish objectives that most brands would be envious to achieve. That includes cultivating a loyal audience for their products, expanding SKUs rapidly, securing more than 1,000+ 5 Star reviews, and maintaining a solid Repeat Customer Rate. Their custom printed, uplifting apparel has gained massive popularity among those looking to stand out from the crowd and cultivate a look all their own. From inception, the brand’s initial stock of women’s t-shirts took off, eventually expanding to include other clothing items such as Hoodies, V-Necks, and Tank Tops— all custom designed and created by their in-house graphic design team. They went a step further, though, by focusing on themed clothing, with each product carrying a positive, uplifting message. That was a smart strategic decision. The combination of messages promoting virtues such as strength and inner confidence made with attractive designs enabled the brand to quickly find their audience and become a leader in the niche field of positive & uplifting Women’s Fashion.

The company’s social media marketing on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat have been successful in driving organic traffic to their site, and they now average up to 40,000 visitors per month. A review of what they did to get to this point provides some insights into the strengths this company offers a buyer.

The Brand Created a Product that Buyers Want. When this brand was first launched, it set out to give customers t-shirts that would be unique, inspiring, and fully custom-designed. Their products are made and shipped in the U.S, with each design created by the company and put on high-quality Bella Canvas – a super high quality shirt material that helps the brand stand out from the apparel crowd.

Running ads on Google and creating social media campaigns on Instagram and Facebook enabled the brand to quickly rev up both paid and organic traffic to their Shopify website, and their marketing strategy has been phenomenally successful: The company has been gaining new buyers daily for the past 12 months. As it turns out, there is an enormous audience looking for clothing that also highlighted a positive message.

Their social media accounts experienced explosive growth, with their Instagram account soaring to 27,000+ followers and their Facebook account growing to 11,000+ followers. While all primarily women, their demographic spans all ages. Their products are sold on both their Shopify site and on Etsy. is an obvious low hanging fruit option for this brand since it holds the largest audience of buyers for this category in the country.

Targeting Was Shifted to Gift Buyers. Sales also began to skyrocket when the brand began a new marketing campaign, advertising their t-shirts as the perfect gift item. That opened up sales to people who felt their upbeat t-shirts were exactly what they were looking for. The company began running campaigns advertising “great gifts for mothers,” which worked exceptionally well.

This has enabled the brand to expand to 141 active products, with 367 designs that can be utilized. Customer satisfaction is reflected in the fact that more than 1,000 buyers have given the brand a 5-Star review.

Sales are growing at an exponential rate based on the company’s Average Order Value of $45, and customers now can’t wait for new products launched by this company, all sold exclusively under their brand name. The company wisely expands on each collection during the different seasons – for example, fall or Christmas designs are created, along with marketing that emphasizes how these products are ideal gifts to show a friend or relative how much the buyer loves and cares about them.

For most of their products, though, seasonality is not an issue, and their designs sell all year long, during any season. Their designs truly stand out in a competitive market, and this has led to a high lifetime value for each customer.

This organization has built itself into a highly enviable position in the niche field of positive & uplifting women’s attire and is operating in an industry (Women’s Apparel) that has brought in more than $30.7 billion in revenue in 2021. The brand’s rapid growth amply demonstrates how quickly they could scale through either new marketing tactics or SKU expansions.

Contact our brokers today to review how this brand could be your next perfect “fit!”

This eCommerce Brand is Represented by:

Tech, Internet & eCommerce Business Brokers

Listing ID: WC2533

Asking Price
$ 1,099,000
Cash Flow
$ 272,348
Gross Income
$ 832,633
Year Established