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MIDI & Digital Audio Space eCommerce Retailer – SBA Pre-Approved – Only 20% Down!


This eCommerce Retailer is in the MIDI & Digital Audio space, offering a comprehensive lineup of solutions for audiophiles of all types and skill levels, ranging from out-of-the-trunk DJs to B2B and educational institutions. Sales are split 50/50 between the company’s Amazon account and its website storefront. This business boasts exclusive distribution rights for a number of top brands, and thanks to 25 years of established relationships resulting in preferential pricing, a healthy $250 average ticket value yields outstanding margins on an almost entirely organic platform.  This is truly a unique opportunity not to be missed as it is approved for SBA financing and can be purchased with as little as 20% down.

Thanks to the hugely social nature of the music industry, word of mouth, references and organic presence has established this Internet Business in a space that is experiencing an unexpected resurgence in the face of advancing integrated digital solutions – genuine MIDI synth is more in demand today since its debut, with the ‘new retro wave’ growing more popular across multiple mediums almost daily.

OPEX is kept to an absolute minimum due to a nearly 100% 3PL, remotely fulfilled (by Amazon) back end platform. A small, nominal warehouse is the only physical overhead pre-requisite, and ownership workload can be throttled entirely at will from nearly absentee, all the way to aggressive expansion involvement. Currently, this business has been throttled back intentionally to accommodate the existing owner’s needs and tastes – this plush audio eCom business is ready and willing to scale immediately in almost any direction, thanks to the geographically-universal and demographically-broad appeal of these products.

ROI is ready to be had on day one following acquisition, with only the most tacit investments in paid marketing online – An email contact database of over 25,000 will allow for aggressive campaigns at no additional cost, and two decades’ worth of dutifully forged supplier relationships (some of which are exclusive) ensure sustainability indefinitely, with SKU lineup expansion opportunities and white-label/branded offerings an option yet to be tapped. This eCom and Amazon FBA retailer is a pitch-perfect opportunity for nearly any buyer to key up their portfolio with a broad audio offering in a trending space and will make available to even the most novice eCom absentee entrepreneur a nearly turn-key revenue stream with built-in growth opportunities.


This Internet Retailer Represented by:
Tech & Internet Business Brokers

Asking Price
$ 720,000
Cash Flow
$ 190,276
Gross Income
$ 1,858,967
Year Established