Website Closers® presents a growing leader in the field of Tactical & Outdoor Gear that has outpaced competitors by offering customers unique, high-quality and proprietary SKUs that are designed to offer features that similar businesses don’t sell. That includes the company’s flagship product, a Defender Rifle Case that is custom made and praised by customers for excellent durability and functionality. At a $110 Average Order Value, the company appeals to a fast-growing group of outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, survivalists and tactical professionals.
While the Defender Rifle Case is now bringing in the majority of their sales, the popularity of that product has helped introduce customers to the brand’s website and additional SKUs, which include tactical rifle cases, range backpacks and back seat organizers. In the past 5 years, the company’s reputation has grown stronger, and so have sales, rising steadily YoY with 54,000+ orders having been processed to date, bringing the company $4.4 million in revenue.
The new owner of this business will inhibit several strengths, including a highly automated and streamlined company with an experienced team managing daily tasks, and expert handling of social media, email and SMS text messaging campaigns that have improved their brand recognition and boosted repeat orders. This is a thriving brand that has earned the respect of customers in the outdoor/hunting vertical, and that bodes well for this company’s future. The global Outdoor Gear and Equipment market is booming today. It was valued at $55 billion in 2023 and projected to reach $94.38 billion by 2032, a 5.8% growth rate that reflects the popularity of this brand’s specialized SKUs.
This business represents a clear opportunity for a U.S. Buyer to acquire this company and then scale it quickly by expanding sales internationally, introducing new products, launching SKUs in additional project categories, and expanding sales channels beyond DTC purchases to include sales to top outdoor retailers, big box stores and other wholesale channels.
Business Broker Takeaway
Our analysis of this business shows that the value propositions present are strong for a first-time buyer looking to get into the online space. We are excited about this business for 3 important reasons:
1. Streamlined Operations. A thoroughly efficient and automated brand, the seller spends an average of just 8-10 hours per week operating the company, so minimal owner involvement awaits the buyer. While the current ownership focuses mainly on managing the company’s advertising campaigns and overseeing supplier relationships, daily tasks are expertly handled by three experienced workers who oversee site operations, fulfillment and customer service. The company has been praised by its customers for its attention to customer service, allowing the new owner to retain this well-trained team while focusing on multiple scale opportunities.
2. High Value Industry. A significant advantage to a buyer is the rapid growth now being enjoyed by the Outdoor & Tactical Gear market. Interest in outdoor activities soared after the pandemic lockdowns in 2020, and outdoor enthusiasts now include families with kids looking to explore state and national parks, campgrounds and additional outdoor tourist spots. Outdoor lifestyles are being embraced by a fast-growing number of consumers, who are eagerly looking for the best products to give them comfort, personal safety, preparedness for whatever might happen, and excitement during their trip. This business already has a strong reputation among consumers interested in survivalist and tactical gear, and has the additional advantage of being able to expand into international markets where interest in outdoor recreation is also increasing.
3. Effective Marketing Tools. Marketing remains one of this company’s biggest strengths. The company has attracted 40,000+ followers on social media, including 24K on Facebook and 16,600+ on Instagram, which has enabled them to connect with their target demographics and build up brand recognition. The company also invests in Google ads that retargeting website visitors, and boost repeat sales through use of an email database of 27,000+ subscribers and an SMS text messaging list of 19,000+, both of which have enabled the company to improve customer retention. The company also benefits from collaborations with multiple social influencers who have helped drive sales higher as trusted voices in the tactical and outdoor community.
The Company
As a top DTC eCommerce business, the brand operates primarily through its website, catering to individuals who feel passionate about the outdoors and self-sufficiency by offering exclusive items such as the defender case. This has helped the company maintain a high customer lifetime value from its devoted buyers.
The company has exclusive long term relationships with trusted suppliers who provide them with secure competitive pricing. The business is now shipping up to 15 orders per day, having carved out a respected position in the tactical and outdoor gear market.
The company has additional significant assets for a buyer to consider. Their products enjoy steady demand through their effective marketing strategies, and their repeat sales just shot up by 10%.
They also have low advertising costs, which is enabling the business to maintain strong profit margins. At the same time, the store has attracted a whopping 2.8 million sessions on their website, a massive outreach to their growing customer base.
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Technology, Internet & eCommerce Business Brokers
WC 3541