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Telehealth Platform for Pet Owners – Linking Mental Health Practitioners with Pet Owners for ESA Letters – 83,000 Pet Owner Clients


Website Closers® presents an incredibly unique Internet Business in the Pet Vertical. This Online Platform is made up of a series of Websites that connects pet owners (consumers) with mental health practitioners for the purpose of obtaining Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Letters. What an amazing opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a “feel good” business that helps people and serves as a revenue stream with a growing Recurring Revenue Rate. This is a rare opportunity to not only acquire a revenue stream, but also a platform that has taken several years to perfect due to the myriad of regulations and compliance matters associated with the Federal Fair Housing Act, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Air Carrier Access Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Although all dogs offer an emotional connection with their owner, to be legally considered an emotional support dog (Emotional Support Animal (ESA)), the pet needs to be prescribed by a licensed mental health professional to a person with a disabling mental illness. A therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist must determine that the presence of the animal is necessary for the mental health of the patient. Accommodations for individuals who use Emotional Support Dogs are provided in the areas of Housing and Air Travel.

The Fair Housing Act includes ESAs in its definition of assistance animals. Under the act, people cannot be discriminated against due to a disability when obtaining housing. Rules such as pet bans or restrictions are waived for people who have a prescription for an ESA, and they cannot be charged a pet deposit for having their ESA live with them. The Air Carrier Access Act allows service animals and ESAs to accompany their handlers in the cabin of an aircraft. The airline can require documentation stating that the person has a disability and the reason why the animal must travel with them.

The Products and Services provided by the company consist of Telehealth Psychological Diagnostic Assessments and Service Animal Pet Products & Gear. The Average Ticket Value is $106 where ESA Letters are 75% of sales, 15% Annual Renewals, and 10% Service Animal Gear. The business allows consumers to obtain an ESA Letter from the comfort of their home or office – all ESA Approvals are done through an Online Licensed Therapist (also known as Telemedicine).

The COVID pandemic has significantly increased pet ownership worldwide. Rescue shelters nationwide report low inventory and waiting lists for adoption. The company boasts a loyal base of pet-owners that has not been remarketed or engaged except for annual ESA letter renewal solicitation. 7% of existing customers signaled they would like to speak to a therapist about a personal issue. The company has 3,000 daily unique visitors, an average of 130 orders per day, 83,000 customers in their database, and a list of 250,000 consumers that have completed registrations, but not yet purchased.

Growth opportunities for this business are seemingly endless. To begin with – the company has a treasure trove of data on Pet Owners. For instance – this data can be used to create like audiences in social media and search marketing to target pet owners with advertisements for other products and services. On the services side, development of additional services for those with disabilities or other mental health needs would be possible. Since there’s already a large group of licensed therapists working with the company, they could be leveraged to provide additional support for those individuals needing it. The company can also expand its product offerings to include a branded line of pet toys, treats, bedding, and food.

From an operational perspective, the company is very easy to understand. If an individual needs a support letter, they simply take a free qualification test, select the right plan for them (housing or travel, separate or combined), get matched with a licensed therapist and receive a letter online within minutes. There is no need for an acquirer to have any particular knowledge or training – everything can be taught and nothing is difficult to comprehend. The current ownership wants to ensure a smooth transition and will be available to help with the process. Inquire today as this one is rare and will not last long!

This Online Service Platform Represented by:

Website Closers

Technology, Internet & Online Business Brokers

Listing ID:  WC2146

Asking Price
$ 7,650,000
Cash Flow
$ 1,920,618
Gross Income
$ 6,750,982
Year Established