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E-Commerce Retailer Uses Website Closers to Expand on Massive Growth Opportunities – Case Study

Closing Price: $ 35,000,000
womens fashion

The women’s fashion space is especially competitive, meaning that it takes a company that must be able to stand out in the right way to attract prospective buyers.

An online retailer in the women’s fashion space recently came to Website Closers, balancing their solid platform for opportunities to launch new assortments and products for women while staying on-trend.

The company was developed from fore growth from the beginning and had virtually zero SKU concentration. This was an appealing buy for a prospective purchaser because no one product sold by the company represented greater than 2% of sales. The business stood out among various listings with Website Closers and deserved a strong growth multiple leading to its asking price of $30 million.


With a cash flow of $5.8 million and a gross income of $18.55 million and 40 employees, this was an outstanding opportunity for someone to step in and continue the growth trajectory already started by the previous company’s owners.

Website Closers experts bring an analytical and motivated approach to working with each individual seller. We know how to capitalize on your strengths and ensure that your business sale opportunity is seen by the right buyers at the right time.

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