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Can You Be Your Own Boss?

Posted by Andy DeJaco in Articles


Many people dream of being their own boss. Of getting rid of the commute to work, the traffic, the headaches, the workday stress, horrible bosses and snippy coworkers. It’s a dream that for many people is becoming a reality, but as with everything, there are pros and cons. Owning a website business and working from home has many advantages nearly too innumerable to count: making your own hours, being your own boss, being there for children, being there for a spouse, working in your skivvy’s, etc. But working from home and being your own boss can’t work for everyone. For one thing, many people don’t have the discipline to move the right mountains and keep them moving. Sleeping and television may be too big of a draw for some people, and being forced to travel to work and stay there for eight hours might be the only way they can make their money. So, how can you know if you have what it takes to be your own boss by owning a website business?, experienced online business broker has some tips:

  • Financially Stable. Unfortunately, it does take money to live from day to day so unless you already have money saved to buy the business plus anywhere from six to twelve months of living expenses already saved in case of emergency, you aren’t ready to be your own boss.
  • Time Management Skills. Being able to focus on daily business tasks is important to those who want to eventually enjoy success. Can you make priorities and priority lists and stick to them? An online business broker can even help you start an action plan.
  • Organizational Skills. Being organized means staying on top of tasks. Can you keep a daily routine to make sure the business runs smoothly and keeps customers happy? By being organized, you can also perform more tasks in a day instead of letting disorganization waste your time.
  • Keep Your Eyes on the Prize. Can you stay focused not just on current success, but on future success? This can be done by staying on top of market trends and always being aware of the company’s cash flow. Adjusting business goals might be necessary to re-route the path to success.
  • Must be “touchable”. It’s important for a business owner to be receptive to vendors, customers and employees. Can you maintain accessibility to these key players in your business? If you can, you will develop ongoing professional relationships that ultimately enhance and strengthen the business as a whole.

So, think you have what it takes to be your own boss? If you do, contact, an experienced online business broker who is experienced in selling online sites, so they can help you find the best fit for you. As they say, today is the first day of the rest of your life and the sooner you start working toward being your own boss, the sooner you will get to enjoy the spoils of that freedom.
