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Become Untethered and Let Your Creative Juices Flow

Reviewed By Ron Matheson

Written By Madhur Dayal

Published June 28, 2016

Updated November 25, 2019


Being an entrepreneur means wearing many hats at once – The motivated hat, the strong hat, the creative hat (among others). Research has found, however, that people are losing more and more of their creativity to the distraction that is the internet, smartphones, tablets, televisions, etc. Everywhere we go, Wifi is available. Our phones are continuously streaming the latest in news, as well as providing us with notifications for things we ultimately, don’t really much care about. With so much going into our brains, there isn’t any room for much to come out. In other words, creativity is stifled, and we become nothing more than a human machine that processes information that is sent to us.

How can you realistically turn this around?

  • Phone begone! After you stop bristling at the thought of that, consider putting your phone – for just five little minutes – somewhere you can’t hear it, see it, or feel its vibration. Try the car, in the garage, out on the back deck. Cutting this cord for just five minutes (go longer if you can) will help you start seeing the world in a slightly more creative way (because now you’re not being bombarded by information).
  • Silence! You really don’t realize how the extent to which electronic equipment and appliances are working in your household until the power goes out. That seemingly unnatural silence is what you should aim for, for just five or ten minutes. Turn everything off and be alone with your thoughts – just your thoughts – for a few minutes while your phone is sitting idly in your car.
  • Shake things up! If you’re like most people who are motivated to get things done throughout the day, you have a “to do” list. Try abandoning it for one day, and instead, concentrate on other problems that are bugging you, or questions that need answering.
  • Journal it! After all is said and done, when you’ve released your phone from your grip and turned off all of your electronics and you allow yourself to ponder questions that only you can answer, write down your thoughts when you are done. Don’t disrupt your precious five minutes of Zen time with writing them down, wait it out, write it down, and enjoy the process.

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