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These Website Mistakes Could Be Harming Your Business

Posted by Megan Gunsorek in Articles

You already know that when it comes time to list your business for sale with the help of knowledgeable business brokers like those working at Website Closers, that you need to put your best foot forward. But do you truly know how to do this, and do you recognize some of the mistakes that could compromise your ability to get the job done?

All too often, overlooking these website mistakes could end up costing you in a big way when it comes to your website valuation or simply a buyer’s perceived appeal of your listed website. You need to do your own homework in advance to figure out what’s working on your website and what isn’t because this would be the visual representation of everything you have worked so hard to build. These overlooked website mistakes could cost your business significantly.

Choosing A Domain Name That Nobody Can Remember or Spell

Many people might discover your links through organic search, paid advertisements or links, but having a memorable domain makes it that much easier to retain and attract visitors and this is also an appealing metric to have on your side when you decide to list your company for sale.

You can’t bank on a person bookmarking your website and remembering it forever, so make sure you have something that is easily memorable. This will help in your online business listing as well.

Building Your Business Website on A Platform That You Don’t Own

The concept of building your business website on a platform that you don’t own is known as digital sharecropping and this can be even more devastating than a bad domain. You are always at risk of losing your entire web presence that you have worked so hard to build.

Make sure you investigate all of your options before launching your website and if you are currently built on a platform that you do not own, you need to re-evaluate your options and decide what you can do instead to maintain full control over the materials that you need. This will allow you to make updates as necessary and to understand the ins and outs of the website.

Re-Directing to A Mobile Site

There is no good reason to send your visitors to a separate mobile site that might not necessarily correspond with the URL that they originally typed. Thinking about mobile first and using responsive design gives your users a great experience whether they are interacting with your website on a desktop or through a phone version.

Make sure you have considered that more people than ever are using their phones to access your website and build with this at the back of your mind. While some people will certainly still decide to access your company’s website in other ways, it’s good to protect yourself first.

Providing for A Slow Experience

You might have the most great profit numbers in the world that can make your business especially powerful from the perspective of listing for sale with business brokers like Website Closers. But what if the webpage takes 10, 20 or 30 seconds to load? Not only this is annoying for visitors and a bad first impression to leave with your prospective buyers, but Google can even punish you if your site provides a slow experience and your visitors decide to hit the back button.

Always test that your site’s speed is measured in milliseconds for the most positive outcome for all of your visitors, including those thinking about buying your company.
