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What’s Behind the Trend in Amazon Businesses for Sale?

Reviewed By Ron Matheson

Written By Eric Pittman

Published November 16, 2018

Updated November 25, 2019


More third party sellers are active on Amazon than ever before but likewise, this has been followed by a trend for people who try to purchase Amazon businesses for sale. With increasing competition, what exactly is behind the growth for Amazon businesses for sale? Many website brokers, such as Website Closers, are  consumers handling asks from FBA business sellers who have worked very hard to establish their Amazon FBA business and are contemplating trading it and enlisting it for sale. An increasing percentage of the online business listings available with companies such as Website Closers are Amazon based.

Any boost of sellers from a type of businesses or one specific niche could be seen as a warning sign for that particular niche. However, this is not always the case. As one example of a niche in which a surge of business sale listings could be a sign, consider e-cigarette stores. When more of the requests for business brokers to help sell these stores, this could indicate that this was due to the FDA attempting to regulate the industry and close out existing retailers.

Those retailers saw the problematic signs and decided to get out. So the leading question for people who are thinking about purchasing an Amazon based business is, is there warning signs for trouble?

Are Amazon business owners seeing those signs and deciding to cash out when they can? One of the leading reasons why Amazon FBA businesses are now going up for sale is because they are finally old enough.

Amazon does not really say how many FBA sellers are involved in the program or the FBA program. They do share details to show that growth has become significant over the last couple of years. This means plenty of time for someone to establish and grow an Amazon FBA business.

All of those sellers who bought into the program early on are now coming into their fourth year of being on the platform. Many entrepreneurs want to consider listing their Amazon FBA business or any business for sale after just a couple years of being in business. It is possible that these businesses are coming of age.

Another reason that people are considering contacting website brokers is because people are finally learning that Amazon businesses can be listed for sale. Amazon, in the past, had a stance that many seller accounts could not be transferred but this has changed in recent years. This hasn’t even stopped many Amazon sellers from truly selling their FBA stores.

Many buyers and sellers realize that transferring and selling their Amazon business wasn’t that difficult, which means that as more of this word has gotten out across forums and other places online where Amazon FBA sellers are interacting, that more people are considering this.

A third reason why more Amazon FBA businesses are available for sale is that a higher portion of e-commerce stores have some Amazon component. With Amazon seller growth being consistent, this means that more people are contemplating the benefits of selling their Amazon FBA business through the help of experienced business brokers like Website Closers.


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