Knowing the difference between the list price, selling price, and sale price becomes more important than ever if your house is finally going to get onto the housing market. When you eventually hire a real estate agent to set an accurate price for your home, ensure that both are on the same page.
The listing price is the first price a seller decides upon when putting his property on sale. It is the opening bid for any buyer and is usually called the marketing price since it is what catches people’s attention in home sales.
Potential buyers often wonder who determines the listing price. Ideally, the real estate agents or sellers determine the price at which they think the property should be sold. A few key factors play a part in making this choice, including market conditions, Comparable sales, and Property features (such as size, location, condition, and amenities).
While the goal of the listing price is to bring the best profit for the seller, at the same time, it must be appealing enough to attract buyers. If it is too high, buyers will be shooed away; if it’s too low, the seller will let go of some cash that could have been earned.
Understanding the definition of selling price is simple. Selling price refers to the amount at which a property sells after the buyer and the seller have agreed on a deal. It is the amount the parties agree upon in the sales contract, reflecting the actual market value of the property.
When putting your home on the housing market, you must know how the selling price differs from the listing price. The listing price is the starting point the seller sets to attract potential buyers, while the selling price is what the buyer actually pays. Depending on the market’s Performance, potential buyers may offer lower or even higher prices in negotiations.
1. What is the difference between the listed price vs selling price?
The listed price is what the house owner originally wanted for it, whereas the selling price is the actual price a buyer pays after negotiation.
2. What does list price mean in real estate?
The list price is the starting price for a property. It is set by the seller and their agent, considering the current market, similar sales, and the property’s features.
3. What is the sale price of a property?
The sale price of a property is the final amount agreed upon and paid which represents its actual market value.
4. Why is the selling price different from the listing price?
The selling price is different from the listing price based on negotiations, the heat of the market, and the results of inspections.
From the recap of key differences between the listing price and selling price as provided above, any seller can be informed before setting a price. If you need Real estate agents, contact for market research and professional guidance.