With deep inside knowledge in starting and running successful businesses, overcoming challenges and the sale of businesses in a global environment, Richard brings significant experience to the table when working on deals.
Richard realized early on in a corporate career that he had an entrepreneurial streak that needed to be nurtured. He started an online business in his home town of Melbourne, Australia. The business pivoted early on from its initial business plan and product, which didn’t initially find its mark, and settled into what become a successful online business model. The business manufactures in China and ships worldwide, with online B2B marketing and online lead generation at its heart. The business quickly outgrew the Australian market, and now has a large global following, and works with small and large customers in many countries and industries. Richard partnered with a US company and continues to work closely with the company on strategy and growth.
With a passion for watching trends and learning about online and tech based businesses, and an inquisitive nature, Richard enjoys connecting to and speaking with other business owners and thought leaders in any setting, hearing and learning about their businesses and all the narratives that accompany them. Richard loves to work with businesses from early in the process of selling, to help them strategize about the ‘who, how, what, when and why’, of successfully selling businesses, setting them up early for success.
Richard is a father of two girls, loves to travel and explore, and is a sports and outdoors enthusiast.