Website Closers® presents a business founded on solving one problem; helping sellers solve a nearly ubiquitous hurdle to being successful – getting reviews.
Specifically, one of the most significant challenges that every Amazon or eCommerce seller faces is gaining positive social proof for their product or service. If others do not speak highly of a product or service, it will be nearly impossible to convert leads into sales.
But how can a seller get others to rave about their product or service if it hasn’t been tried first? Fortunately, the founders of this business discovered an innovative way to solve this puzzling question, and as a result, this became and remains the core of their business today.
The business services are threefold, yet income primarily derives from product testing and feedback.
The business has accumulated and continues to grow its database of consumers who have agreed to try products and provide feedback on them, usually via a product review on Amazon.
This network of enthusiastic product testers begins by purchasing the product using the Search, Find, Buy method using targeted keywords so that clients get algorithmic ranking “credit” for those sales.
Importantly because the company does not require reviews, influence what their testers write, or pay them in exchange for a review, their method complies with Amazon’s submission guidelines. This prevents any risk to the client’s listing.
Amazon’s algorithm ranks products on price, volume, velocity, and social proof, including reviews, questions, and helpful votes. The agency’s method boosts all of these!
Combining keyword search, purchase, and consistent product reviews ensures clients get a triple boost to their visibility.
The second service is Helpful Votes. Consumers will read existing product reviews on the Amazon listing and click “Helpful” on reviews that are most insightful for making an informed buying decision.
Lastly is Helpful Q&A. Consumers will review the entire product listing and then formulate a thoughtful question that will help other consumers in the market for that product.
Expansion opportunities are enormous and far-reaching. Partnerships, international markets, expansion of services, client personas, and marketing efforts could easily show a 400% increase in revenue over the next year.
The demand is overwhelming, and new ownership merely needs to keep up.
The business currently has eight project managers based out of the Philippines that handle the product testers according to a streamlined system, while the owners focus on:
• New business by engaging prospects through live chat, phone, or email.
• Operations to ensure systems are functioning smoothly, new projects are set up correctly, completed projects are archived, and client emails and calls are answered.
• Finance by invoicing clients for new orders and subscription renewals.
As Amazon continues to galvanize the marketplace and more third-party merchants rush to the platform, there will be even greater demand for this business’s services. Sellers are desperate to stand out in a crowded and competitive landscape.
The proven success of the services offered boosts their keyword ranking and conversion rates, producing an excellent ROI.
Contact Website Closers today to find out how this acquisition is one primed for rapid future success.
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