For sale is a BRANDED, 5-Star Ranked Amazon and eCommerce retailer situated neatly in diversified, complimentary and year-round-profitable segments including baby products, kitchen goods and nutritional supplements. Currently featuring a tight and high-volume lineup of 52 branded SKUs which see the majority of profits earned in the kitchen vertical, this business is a one hundred percent turn-key opportunity to take the wheel of a nearly zero-overhead, completely relocatable eCommerce retail platform with unlimited growth potential.
Smartly centered around a 90% Amazon FBA model, with the remaining 10% of products (supplement lines) drop-shipped directly to the customer, this branded retailer leaves nothing to chance and requires almost no overhead to ensure order fulfillment. Enjoying profitable growth since inception on almost entirely organic dot com and Amazon traffic, this 5-Star power seller enjoys only mild seasonality in its revenue streams thanks to complimentary product lines which capitalize on shifting buyer demographics year-round, yielding clean and steady books from top to bottom.
Boasting a highly desirable average ticket at just over $30.00 USD, this retailer is an absolute bargain at this asking price, offering new ownership a rare gem of an opportunity to enter the trending and evergreen home goods segment with a power play at hand, hitting the ground running with 99% positive feedback on Amazon.
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