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The target is a seasoned Consumer Products Brand selling in the commercial and residential cleaning supplies segment via eCommerce Retail. This online retailer offers a high demand, domestically-made, and branded line of hand-sewn Mops and Mop Kits … boasting a 5-Star Amazon Seller Rating. Selling only Trademarked products in the U.S., this Internet Company has achieved solid YOY scale since its inception in 2016.

The company has been built on the backbone of the Fullfilled by Amazon (FBA) logistics model, whereby Amazon handles all storage, pick, pack and shipping services … as well as follow up logistics-related customer service and data to help manage inventory. This eCommerce Company features very simple operations management on the back end with a high level of automation & minimal OPEX, making it relocatable and truly turn-key thanks to the company’s low overhead and lack of connection to any one place. Thanks to the 100% FBA fulfillment platform, this agile, high-growth business is well-situated for further expansion into international markets by way of Amazon – Canada, Mexico, and Europe just to name a few, not to mention US sales channels yet to be tapped including Wal-Mart, Jet, eBay, Etsy and branded website sales (and associated marketing opportunities for the website). This is a solid, growth platform that is genuinely well-positioned to scale in the near term in virtually any buyer’s hands, regardless of skill level or portfolio focus.

No matter a buyer’s background, this business is highly portable and a nearly passive profit center that is priced to sell and will make an outstanding addition to any portfolio. With extremely clean books and records and a solid track record of growth, this niche eCommerce company will do well in front of our Lending Partners – where qualified buyers can acquire a company like this for as little as 10% down, amortized over an entire decade. This Consumer Products Company Represented by:

Website Closers
Technology & Website Business Brokers
Review Available

Asking Price
$ 560,000
Cash Flow
$ 165,677
Gross Income
$ 917,302
Year Established