The target is a High Growth Nutritional Supplements & Superfood Powders Brand that is exploding in sales in various Nutrition Categories. Established in 2016, this eCommerce Retailer has grown considerably to become an established brand and top 10 Nutrition Products Retailer on the marketplace, leading several categories with innovative, best-selling products.
To give an indication of the massive growth the company is achieving at the moment, Q1 2019 was 270% over Q1 2018. And given the trajectory this amazing company is currently set upon, there is little doubt that the company will continue to explode for many years to come, especially given that 50% of all eCommerce sales currently take place on the platform, yet only 14% of consumer products are currently sold via eCommerce. This leaves a massive amount of growth for Amazon as a platform, so now is a very smart time to invest in a company thats a leader in a number of highly coveted categories.
Nutritional Supplements and Superfood companies always do well with the buyers that follow our firm – especially when they have Best Seller Tags, High SERP Rankings, solid margins and recurring revenue due to the consumable nature of the offerings – and this company is no different. Thus, the appeal of this business is massive, having reached every corner of its market thanks to exceptional branding, a commitment to leading edge, proprietary formula products and a savvy lineup of fast-moving SKUs. It is notable that 90% of the brands product line is comprised of proprietary, custom formulas, developed in house and manufactured exclusively for the company.
And unlike many other Amazon FBA retailers, ownership has taken a longer view of the company and invested in human capital. The business now has a staff of 10 in its offices, with a sufficient level of redundancy built in as well. While other companies will use a couple of Virtual Assistants from foreign countries to help run an eCommerce company, this business has invested in real employees in their actual offices – a big step up compared to many others.
A complete package, this business is set up for success and has the foundation necessary to build upon. Fulfillment logistics are managed by Amazon (Fulfilled by Amazon – FBA) from head to toe, so growth will not be inhibited by warehouse constraints. No stone has been left unturned by ownership in their quest to blow the doors off the nutrition segment and dominate Amazon.
This Nutraceutical Brand Represented by:
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