Website Closers® presents an in-demand, dynamic website with astounding, high volume repeat traffic. This dynamic news and entertainment website has created a loyal consumer base and has reliably seen 75% of their nearly 4 million monthly viewers return as repeat visitors. Providing their audience with the most current updates in the film, art, and television industries, this site has become a hub for engaging lifestyle discussions as well as a space for fans to connect and communicate.
By leaning heavily into search engine optimization and content marketing, this target has amassed an insanely powerful email database with over 1 million contacts plus a massive social media following on Instagram and Twitter, with these channels seeing up to 8 million users each month.
Through these channels, the site regularly recaptures their audience’s attention, making this an attractive avenue for advertiser partnerships. As such, the majority of the profits driven from this site are generated by writing and publishing articles for product placement, content marketing, and direct advertising on the website. In the last few years, this acquisition has become incredibly lucrative as ownership has focused on driving advertising services and sales while still managing to keep operating expenses low. With stable baseline costs, and uncapped profit potential, this target is a showstopper.
The company’s growth has been largely attributed to their simple business model: giving readers the entertainment news they want and capitalizing on the ensuing viewership. With the support provided by their writing team, this site posts over 20 new, keyword optimized articles each day while still keeping their older content archived and accessible. In fact, even their older articles garner an audience and are responsible for a significant portion of their advertising revenue due to their tremendous long-term content value.
Given the high quality of their content, and an impressive 75% viewer retention rate, this site has seen an extraordinary 92% sales success rate within their RPM model while forging long-term partnerships with advertisers. In 2020, the company showed 300% YOY and for 2021, they are on target to see over 700% YOY growth.
By attracting an advertiser’s dream audience of adults between the ages of 18 and 54, full of high-earning young professionals with disposable income, this site is well poised to drive incredible additional sales. Half of their revenue comes from content creation and the other half stems from the direct marketing and promotion-based articles, this business is poised for continued growth and scalability. New revenue could be easily generated by running paid media campaigns, investing in Google Ads, and expanding into new social media avenues such as TikTok. Launching a number of targeted email campaigns could also drive an exponential increase in engagement rates while simultaneously making the site more appealing to prospective advertisers. Furthermore, investing in the addition of more content writers could easily increase the amount of content available on the site and provide new avenues for advertisers to reach their desired customer base.
Launched in 2018, this news site went live with a simple business model: give readers what they want when it comes to Celebrity and Hollywood news, gossip, and trends. Posting more than 20 new articles each day, this company capitalizes on the lifetime of good content by keeping older articles accessible through the search bar. They then share information about upcoming releases in the world of entertainment, while providing links to other sites that readers might be interested in checking out; this multifaceted framework has earned them a place as the communications hub for all things entertainment news. Additionally, this brand has been creating video posts with reactions, countdowns, and informative formats that keep consumers coming back.
The brand’s primary customer demographics position the business for maximum advertising revenue by targeting the exact groups that advertisers desire: adults between the ages of 18 and 54. The company’s overall reach includes a diverse audience that is 65% female, 25% LGBTQ, and leans heavily on young professionals who earn between $60,000 and $150,000 per year – all groups with disposable income and healthy spending habits.
Currently, the business employs 2 editors, 12 contracted content writers, and a web developer to keep things running smoothly. Even after the sale, these individuals are willing to stay onboard to help drive continued success for the business. In fact, to ensure a seamless transition and provide the new owner with as much insider knowledge as possible, the current owner is willing to stay on for up to 6 months after the sale. During this time, the new owner would be given all relevant training, introduced to the business’ valuable partners, and provided with operational support as necessary. With the site being managed on a popular, user-friendly platform, WordPress, and with highly qualified staff in place, the new owner would not need to have any coding or web development skills.
With an already robust audience, an expansive email database, and an established online presence, this entertainment site is a wonderful investment for a prospective buyer. With promising potential, minimal overhead, and a quick path to increased profits, this opportunity is built to be both lucrative and scalable, making it an easy sell that won’t last long on the market.
This Internet Company Represented by:
Technology & Internet M&A
Listing ID: WC2339