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Keto Focused Website Offering Personalized Diet Services & Nutritional Supplements – Zero Ad Spend – 775k Monthly Visitors


Website Closers® presents this dynamic Keto-focused diet service providing both personalized diet plans and accompanying weight-loss supplements on an Exact Keyword Match Domain. With a unique combination of revenue, 30% digital products and 70% physical products in the form of dietary supplements, this lucrative business delivers more than 775,000+ monthly site visitors. This brand drives phenomenal revenue with zero ad spend and immense opportunity to scale.

Utilizing a powerful affiliate network for all marketing initiatives, this company could grow rapidly by adding additional affiliate networks, listing its supplement best sellers on Amazon and through additional social media presence, social media advertising, SEO focus, email marketing campaigns, search engine marketing and increased product offerings such as ketogenic snacks, workout plans, cookbooks, and more. This unrivaled opportunity requires minimal oversight and ad spend, making it an incredible investment for any entrepreneur.

With limitless ability to scale paired with remarkable and consistent current profits, this acquisition is strategically developed to bring success and growth to the lucky new owner. This company is not SBA Qualified.

Leveraging digital products and a 100% on-demand private label supplier for its physical products, this streamlined company requires less than 15 hours per week to operate. Owner responsibilities center on managing the freelance team and overseeing the daily functions of the business. There is currently one full time freelancer who responds to all customer service concerns. A mostly hands-off business, running this company demands little to no background knowledge. Anyone capable of reviewing financial statements and translating that into marketing and product adjustments can run this business. A technologically savvy and business-minded buyer is sure to be able to take this company to the next level.

The owner works with the premier affiliate network, Clickbank, for all incoming leads, utilizing a tiered commission system. This system has worked flawlessly since inception, allowing the business to grow to a 7-figure profit. There is no reason why a new owner would not be able to expand this business to other affiliate networks to extend the reach of this brand. The owner successfully navigated the business to a Top 5 leadership position on Clickbank.

This business is well-designed to run on minimal working capital as digital products require none and the physical products are not carried as inventory. It is essentially the perfect “laptop lifestyle business.”

From an industry standpoint, the keto diet space is poised for continued growth. Keto as segment of the health industry is a $9 Billion global market that is expected to grow 5.5% per year through 2027.  Meanwhile, the supplement industry is a $115 Billion market with a 7.7% anticipated annual growth. This business is well-positioned to take advantage of the growth in both markets.

This business is a well-designed Keto diet brand providing proprietary digital products and custom dietary supplements. Capitalizing on their extraordinary affiliate network, this company drives impressive returns and broad brand awareness. With incredible year over year growth and operational efficiency, this business delivers significant top line revenue and bottom-line profits with minimal owner involvement. A new owner can maintain the business as is, with minimal overhead and minimal time, or take advantage of the tremendous growth opportunities and take this business and brand to the next level.

This Website Business Represented by:

Website Closers

Tech, Internet & Online Business Brokers

Listing ID:  WC2138

Asking Price
$ 3,500,000
Cash Flow
$ 921,665
Gross Income
$ 1,098,540
Year Established