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The target is a unique opportunity in the Amazon ecosystem that provides Business Support Services to 3rd Party eCommerce Sellers on the Amazon platform. This Internet Company is a Business-to-Business Coaching and Training Service that generates revenue through various Membership tiers, creating a growing Recurring Revenue stream for ownership for years to come. The company and its membership is growing wildly, with over 700% YOY growth in discretionary earnings.

The company has various service offerings, including training courses, masterminds, consulting, webinars, networking opportunities, and more … with a focus on assisting in sourcing, branding, marketing, advertising, building customer lists, financing, negotiations and prepping an Amazon business for sale.

One of the greatest value adds for members provided by this company is its series of Masterminds, which allows Amazon Sellers to network with each other to learn more about their positive and negative experiences in order to better operate on the platform, and training on key operations tactics to place owners in a position to be successful with their product listings and general operations on Another core offering is a members-only live monthly training webinar, which gives members access to a membership area with hundreds of training videos. Membership also provides a dedicated Success Coach with two 1-on-1 coaching calls every month. All members are invited to a live event in Florida each year for free.

This Business has been established for over 3 years and represents a highly unique opportunity in the Amazon Support Services arena. The company has only scratched the surface in terms of membership growth, and a large number of additional service offerings can be added to incentivize stickiness with the current membership base while providing additional incentives for more 3rd party sellers to come on board. It is estimated that there are over 5 Million 3rd party sellers across all Amazon marketplaces and roughly half of all of Amazon’s sales come from 3rd party sellers. This represents a massive growth opportunity for any company servicing and supporting 3rd party sellers. Growth opportunities include adding additional content and videos to increase traffic and membership, expanding into additional Amazon marketplaces, like Canada and the UK/EU, creating a sales and marketing team to begin bringing in larger amounts of members through more traditional marketing methods, creating a podcast to further train and inform on the Amazon channel, and more. The podcast, as one example, could be used as a funnel and made available to all audiences, but promote membership through added incentives, including coaching and support at the operations level. Another growth opportunity includes using Facebook to grow membership and add to the company’s sales funnel and webinar pitch.

This unique business model is in a space all its own, punches well above its weight versus the competition, and is already a well-oiled machine fit for smooth transition to a new owner. Buyers for this business include those already supporting 3rd party sellers, those selling on the platform with an already steady network, Facebook Group, etc., those in the training space that want to get into Amazon platform training, or any eCommerce professional looking to add another dimension to her portfolio through a B2B company.

The company’s books and records are clean, offering a qualified buyer the opportunity to acquire this business for as little as 10% down by using a Website Closers Lending Partner, which allows a 10 year amortization period. Please let us know if you’re interested and please move quickly as this exciting business will not last long on the market.

This Business to Business Amazon Service Company Represented by:

Website Closers
Technology & Internet Mergers & Acquisitions
Reviews & Testimonials Available

Asking Price
$ 2,000,000
Cash Flow
$ 444,312
Gross Income
$ 665,355
Year Established

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