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For sale is an established, organically ranked eCommerce Internet Company in the fashionable FEMALE casual apparel segment, targeting mothers in specifically in that demographic.

The company has been able to reap massive margins pursuant to its supply and logistics planning and execution systems and methods. The business is well positioned for a smart entrepreneur to use this foundation to scale rapidly. Business ownership has a number of plans already on paper that can be utilized by a buyer within the first 45-60 days. Some require a capital investment – others require an investment in time.

Having recently entered Amazon, this well-established eCommerce retailer boasts long established supplier relationships with desirable terms, with margins maximized thanks to a tight lineup of SKUs enjoying 80% annual turnover and minimal warehouse space, and little to no human capital overall.

Established in 2013, this brand features two organically ranked domains with a great looking Shopify eCommerce front end modernized and ready to transfer to new ownership – highly simplified and user-friendly. This platform allows for easy transition and a minimum of training for absolutely any operator that buys this company.

This fashion line is a prime opportunity both as a strategic acquisition in the apparel market and a standalone revenue generator for the fast-paced entrepreneur alike – very rarely does a 100% stock-on-hand, margins maximized eCommerce retailer come along that requires so little time, overhead and operational investment; this is a business that is not to be missed!

Business Listed by:
Technology & Internet Business Brokers

Asking Price
$ 85,000
Cash Flow
$ 45,556
Gross Income
$ 76,820
Year Established

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    or by phone: (800) 251-1559
