The target is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to acquire the largest online, worldwide operation in the adoption sector. The primary domain, and over 900 associated keyword domains included in this transaction, represents the most -used adoption site in the world. Investments in opportunities that touch so many lives and that truly impact the world as we know it are very rare. This is a true unicorn lying in wait with massive growth potential in the right hands.
This opportunity is multifaceted and can be scaled in a number of different directions. A few important KPIs on this business include the following:
– #1 and #2 in organic search results for the keyword “adoption” in Google
– 18M+ page views annually
– 5.4M user sessions and 4.1M combined unique visitors annually
– 880,000 registered subscribers (may contain some duplicates)
– 1M+ pages of content
– 450,000+ social followers (social channel follows combined)
– $12M worth of unpaid organic traffic annually (source: SEMrush)
The National Council for Adoption recently stated that 110,373 adoptions were reported in 2014 (41,023 related,69,350 non-related). According to, 10% of American couples will experience infertility. With 60.8 million married couples in 2017, this leaves 6.8 million married couples that could experience infertility issues and who might consider adoption as an alternative. This is an evergreen sector that will always have demand. It is also a sector that can even increase during hard economic times. Additionally, a typical adoption is quite expensive, running from about $40,000 for a domestic infant adoption to about $44,000 for an international adoption. So, when a couple is interested in adopting a baby, they tend to invest a large amount of time researching the subject and working to find as much information as possible on what can be a difficult process.
This Internet company and all of its associated domains is the go-to “one stop destination” to find information on the adoption process as well as to find an adoption professional, choose a family to adopt, learn how to adopt a baby, reunite with biological parents or a child placed for adoption, network and communicate with others touched by adoption, review photo listings of children waiting to be adopted, and to find gifts for those in the adoption process. The company has four primary revenue streams, including advertising, Parent Profiles, a Reunion Registry, and adoption gifts (consumer product sales).
On the advertising side, the company generates revenue through lead sales, CPC ads, sponsor and directory ads, and digital consultation for adoption agencies/attorneys. Parent Profiles of hopeful adoptive parents provide subscription income to ownership? such subscriptions average about $265/month. The reunion registry is free to join but offers upgraded services such as a monthly subscription for premium features. Finally, a number of adoption-related products such as adoption jewelry, books, onesies, and t-shirts are available for sale. The company is in the process of rolling out a series of new information products such as eBooks, adoption coaching, online education, and an online adoption conference.
This Internet company is the dominant player in this sector, punches well above its weight versus the competition fit for smooth transition to a strategic buyer. Ownership is very specific in who the right buyer is for this company, because they know that in the right hands, this business can be much larger than it is today, and just as important, be an even bigger player in the exciting world of adoptions.
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