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The psychology and science behind Ecommerce sales, with Jeremy Miner

Jeremy Miner Deal Closers Podcast

How can we leverage science and behavioral psychology to increase our Ecommerce sales without feeling like we’re in Boiler Room or Wolf of Wall Street?

Jeremy Miner is a Sales Coach and Trainer, Founder of the Neuro-Persuasion Sales Method, and the host of the Closers are Losers Podcast.

Today’s episode of Deal Closers is hosted by Izach Porter, brought to you by, and is produced by Earfluence.


Jeremy Miner: Selling is like baseball or softball, you can be out or safe by a centimeter you can make the sale or not make the sale by a few words you just reword. And a few questions you tweak that trigger more openness. We’re not talking about just selling to the lay down sales. Every prospect you talk to have a problem, or problems. And does your solution solves those? Well, if that’s a yes. And he asked, “Well, why are they not buying from you?” Well, it’s because of what you’re saying and not asking, that’s triggering the prospect to run the other way.


Izach Porter (PODCAST INTRO): All right, you’re listening to the “Deal Closers” podcast, brought to you by A show about how to build your e-commerce business to be profitable, scalable, and one day even sellable. I’m Izach Porter and on the show today, we’re talking about sales, not just selling your website, but selling your products and your services. You know, many of us don’t consider ourselves salespeople. Sales on our website are made through copywriting, marketing, and probably some paid advertising. So we’re not salespeople. We’re more like marketers. But here’s the thing everyone needs to be selling. And at all times you’re selling something, especially if you’re in a leadership position in your company. So let’s bring in someone who’s an absolute sales expert. He’s the chairman of 7th Level global sales training company and the host of the podcast closers are losers. Jeremy Miner, welcome to the “Deal Closers” podcast.


Jeremy Miner: Izach, thanks for having me on. You know, some would say an expert, for sure. You know, my kids say I’m pretty boring. So thanks for the compliment. So it’s good to be on your show. I appreciate it.

Izach Porter: Glad to have you here. So the name of your podcast got my attention. So why did you call it “Closers Are Losers”? Obviously, you’re on the “Deal Closers” podcast. And so that that was intriguing to me right out of the gate?

Jeremy Miner: Well, you know, part of it is for branding, you know, slap people in the face because they’re, you know, looking at sales podcast, and there’s one that’s like smacks in the face that says, hey, basically, you’re a loser. Now, do I mean obviously, if you’re closing sales that you’re a loser? Obviously not. I had a pretty some would say a pretty successful career as a professional salesperson for 17 years before I retired and started 7th Level. But closers are losers is meaning if you’re, if you’re using old school sales techniques, if you’re using repackaged as consultative selling techniques that have been around for decades, yet your prospects that you’re talking to have drastically changed their buying behaviors, even the last several years, and you’re still using old school techniques have been around 100 plus years, you are losing sales that you could be making, hence, “Closers Are Losers”, you know, in our mind, selling is not adversarial. If you want to be a top salesperson makes hundreds of 1000s of dollars a year in commissions, or let’s say even more if you’re a business owner, and you really want to scale your company from seven figures to eight figures and eight figures to nine figures and above. If you want to be that good selling is not adversaries, it’s not you against the prospect trying to win them over manipulate them so you can make money, that’s what average salespeople do in our day and age. If you want to be a top 1% sales professional or a top 1% Earning Company, you need to think selling is collaborative. It’s you working with the prospect to help them find and solve problems that they didn’t know they have. So if you want to be at the top, you got to be collaborative, non-adversarial.

Izach Porter: All right. So I did some research before you came on the show checked out your LinkedIn profile checked out, you know, obviously read your bio, you’ve got a book coming out, which I’ll get to in a minute. But one of the things that was interesting to me is that you’ve done some deep studies on behavioral science and human psychology. From that lens, I’d like to ask you kind of a broad question. How do consumers choose what to buy and where to buy it from?

Jeremy Miner: So that’s a good question. So my background is behavioral science and human psychology. That’s what I went to school for. So it’s really disregarding the scientific terminology that maybe some of your listeners not might not be familiar with, since they didn’t go to school for that. It’s really the study of the brain, like an overall picture of behavioral science. It’s the study of the brain, and why a human being makes a decision one way or the other. Why does a human being decide to do this? Instead of do this, that’s really what behavioral science is. So, I would say the biggest thing as kind of an overview that salespeople and business owners need to understand is this one myth about what why somebody buys from you. Okay. There’s the book somewhere on this shelf that everybody’s heard of by Dale Carnegie, from 1936 called “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. In the book he says, “People buy from people they like possibly”. Because in 1936, okay, advertising was much different. It’s in your face right now you’re being advertised to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People in our day and age do not buy from people they like they buy from people who they feel can get them the best result. If they like you, that is just a bonus. But people do not just buy from you because you’re a cool person. If that was the case, nobody would be buying from Amazon, they’d be going down to the local store and buying from that retail store because they like their neighbor. But why did they buy from Amazon? Did they just like Jeffrey Bezos? Maybe, probably not. They buy from Amazon because Amazon gets them the best result. So we have to get out of this myth. And everyone’s you gotta get them to like you. Ask them how their day is going. Ask them how the weather is in Dallas, ask them who won the game last night. None of that builds trust. None of that builds credibility, because your prospects know you are generally not interested, and how their damn day is going. Let’s just be realistic. You try to ask a CEO of a Fortune 500 company that they’re going to slap you in the face and kick you out of the boardroom in about 10 seconds. It triggers a lot of sales resistance. So the number one thing that people have to realize is that people buy from people or companies they feel can get them the best result. If they like you, that is just a bonus. But they don’t buy from you just because you’re a cool person that just, you know had the gift of the gab that is a big myth that most salespeople fall into that trap. 

Izach Porter: How does trust play into the best result, it’s got to do with?

Jeremy Miner: Trust is only built so let’s say okay, and it’s a little bit different. If you’re writing copy, let’s say you don’t have an in Salesforce, you’re just you know, have a bunch of E commerce or so you’re basically making sales from your copy, compared to let’s say, you’re an owner of a marketing agency, and you got a sales floor that’s calling prospects. So if you’re on the phone, or if you’re in person, and you’re having conversations, trust is built by you the sales professional building a gap in the prospects mind from where they are there, we call that their current state or current situation? Okay, what’s really going on? Because most of your prospects don’t know really what’s going on when you first start talking. They don’t sit around thinking about it all the time. They don’t even know what their real problems are. So you’re building a gap from where they are compared to where they want to be. So this is their current state. This is what’s called their objective state, what is their future going to look like? Once all these newfound problems that you’re questioning ability has allowed them to see that they have? So trust, credibility, and expertise is built on the questions you’re asking that trigger the prospect to actually want to engage with you and want to open up with you and go below the surface? I’m not talking about like, Oh, John, what’s two problems that are keeping you awake at night? Or what are you looking for in a search? And those are just surface level questions in your prospects know what you’re trying to do when you ask those type of questions. So I’m talking about questions. These are called and we’ll talk about this in a second neuro emotional persuasion questions that are designed to get the prospect to basically tell you and themselves their inner and external truths, their emotional state, their emotional feelings. Now, we can’t just run in and grab it, ask an emotional question in first 30 seconds, we have to build up to that by asking easier to answer questions that allow the prospect to trust us enough to feel comfortable with us enough to go below the surface and tell us what’s really going on. That’s how trust is though, that’s how you get a prospect to view you as more of the expert more as the trusted authority, whereas they viewed the majority of salespeople that talk to them is just another salesperson who’s trying to step their solution down their throat, massive difference in the Commission’s you make as a salesperson once you learn the difference.

Izach Porter: This is really interesting topic. So you said trust, expertise and credibility?

Jeremy Miner: Because that’s why people buy, right, if they trust you, they view you as an expert, and authority and they will pay far more from you if they view you that way than just some other salesperson that’s asking him a few questions and going into pitch mode.

Izach Porter: So one of the reasons why what you just said is, so interesting to me as an e-commerce guy and an online marketer is that Google’s algorithm is based on three factors for search results, which are expertise, authority and trust. Which is exactly the three reasons that you said that people buy. So that’s a quantifiable example of the largest search engine in the world using the factors that that you just laid out to base all search results on. So I think there’s direct correlation here in how online companies can market with your techniques, very interesting. So how do you kind of incorporate these lessons into the sales process?

Jeremy Miner: Well, you have to have it, you have to have a sales process a step by step structure that gets the prospect to persuade themselves and pull you in. And that’s what we call NEPQ or neuro emotional persuasion question. So I kind of talked about the current, like, how do you get them to see what their current situation is? So we start off by asking what are called connecting questions? And this is for outbound leads, inbound leads could be cold calling. I mean, it could there’s any type of sales situation. So connecting questions, take the focus off you and put it on the prospect. Then once we’ve done that, we want to ask what are called situation questions, situation questions help you, the salesperson, the owner, or whoever you are, whoever is talking to the prospect, and most importantly, helps your prospect understand what their real situation actually is. Because most of your prospects don’t even know when you first start talking to them. You know, I had a big keynote with a huge insurance company in Denver, last week spoke to about 6000 insurance agents. And we talked about look, does your average prospect you talk to do they? Do they sit around talking? Do they write up all their expenses for their mortgage and their food and their kid’s college and their car payments and their student loan debt and their credit card debt and the interest and inflation? Do they sit and write all of that up before they have a call with you as the insurance person to talk about how much coverage they need in case they die in 01 year, 03 years, 10 years, 12 years, probably not. So most of them don’t know what their real situation is when you first start talking to them. So situation questions help you and then figure that out on internally. Then we’re going to ask what are called problem awareness, questions, problem awareness questions, help the prospect see what their real problems are. Hate to tell everybody on here, most of your prospects don’t know what their real problems are, when you first start talking to them, or maybe they realize they have a problem. But they realize they don’t realize how bad the problem really is, or maybe they don’t understand the consequences of what will happen if they don’t do anything about solving the problem. So problem awareness questions start to build a gap from where they are current situation, compared to where they want to be starts to help them see what their real problems are, and why they have the problem. Most salespeople can help the prospect find one problem. But with what we train people, we’re going to help them find two or three or four, or maybe five of their problems, a prospect didn’t realize the hat. And if you know, with marketing, if you’re able to help the prospect find three or four or five reasons or problems they didn’t realize they have, what’s the chances of them buying from you? Pretty strong, it’s like 100%. If you can only find help they find one reason they’re less likely to buy. But if you’re able to help those three, four or five, way stronger buying opportunities there. Then we’re going to move into what’s called solution awareness questions that allow the prospect to see what their future is going to look like. Once all these newfound problems are actually solved, then we’re going to rip it away with what’s called a consequence question that gets them to see what the consequences are. If they don’t do anything about solving these newfound problems. They didn’t know they had like, what are the ramifications? What are the consequences to them? And then let’s say for on a one call close, it depends on if you sell B2C or B2B, if you’re in a one call close, you’re going to transition into your presentation. If you’re in a call close, maybe you’re going to transition into a demo, or the next step proposal or the next step meeting with the board of directors. It just depends on what you sell. If you’re in a B2B complex sale environment, which maybe some of your listeners are and you have a six month sales cycle, you’re just transitioning to whatever the next step is. And then after we go through the presentation, or proposal or demo, or whatever we do in our sales process, we’re then going to ask what are called commitment questions that get them to commit and take the next step to purchase what we’re offering to get them where they want to be. I don’t like the word closing. I love the name of the podcast, the “Deal Closers”. But when we train salespeople in companies, we want them to think that they’re not a closer, but they’re actually a problem finder and Problem Solver gets them to think much differently, where they’re not just trying to manipulate and pressure because that doesn’t work that well with today’s savvy consumers are more of a problem finder and problem solver and they’re helping them get the result they want. And when you learn how to do that with the right questioning, selling becomes really, really easy and really, really profitable for sure.

Izach Porter: Okay. A lot of stuff to unpack there some really cool topics. So you just listed a six step process that. 

Jeremy Miner: It’s actually seven because we’re gonna have a presentation stage but we didn’t you know, we don’t have a time to go into that but seven step process called NEPQ neuro emotional persuasion question.

Izach Porter: So could in an e-commerce company use that same process to build a funnel for clients or their customers to kind of walk people through? You said, connecting questions, situation questions, problem awareness, solution awareness and consequences? 

Jeremy Miner: I think a lot of really savvy marketers already kind of do that, right. They connect in a certain way and then they might not realize what they’re doing but they’re doing kind of what we’re talking about the best marketers because like our marketing we actually make money on every lead before we even talk to them. So are we are proved the marketing works, right? We make two to one of our money before a lead even comes into a salesperson on the team. 

Izach Porter: What do you mean by that? How do you do that? What does that mean? 

Jeremy Miner: So we get them to purchase something smaller, like maybe we for $27 buyer leads, so $27 buyer, $74 buyer, $99 buyer, 297 buyer, so we make two to one on each dollar we spend before that lead even comes into a salesperson. 

Izach Porter: Oh, very interesting. 

Jeremy Miner: It’s a good place to be.

Izach Porter: So they’re already buying they’re already interested. 

Jeremy Miner: We do about 180 reals per month on ants. We’re really big on Instagram. Make sure you’re on the right Instagram because there’s all the spam accounts. I think the Instagram account you should be fine has like 135,000 followers. On the right one ran a crazy time getting verified good Lords taken forever. But anyways, so we did a lot of reels on TikTok.

Izach Porter: 134,000 followers and that’s two posts. And it’s got a very good looking picture you right on the front page. 

Jeremy Miner: Well, there you go Facebook. So we you know, when those leads come in, and we start to retarget them, they’re already seen little nibbles. Little training nibbles before just that causes them to want to have everything if that makes sense. So I don’t want to say they’re getting indoctrinated. But they’re learning about what we do before we’ve been talking to them which piques their curiosity, and they want to know more. So that’s a whole another subject. But I think the top marketers already doing what we’re talking about. So they’re connecting some way, they’re helping the prospect realize what their current situation is, they’re helping a prospect feel that they have maybe problems they didn’t know they had. And they’re helping them see what the future is going to look like, once they have whatever you’re offering to get them where they want to go. I mean, I think marketers already kind of doing that, like the top marketers are already doing that in a way.

Izach Porter: I’m sure marketers, I know marketers are doing that. But I thought the kind of the organizing methodology that you laid out and maybe for somebody who’s doing their own marketing we have.

Jeremy Miner: A lot of marketing agencies that purchase our virtual training courses for their marketing. I don’t know how they’re putting that together because we’re not selling marketing courses to teach people how to write copy to get it to convert our ads, but we have tons of companies big, pretty large marketing companies that have actually come in and purchase our stuff just to help them they’re copying their ads, but I don’t know how they’re using.

Izach Porter: Okay, so, you’ve been talking about this NEPQ?

Jeremy Miner: The boring, geeky science stuff.

Izach Porter: Well, I want to ask you more about it. So NEPQ, is that the six step process or what is that exactly? 

Jeremy Miner: So that’s neuro emotional persuasion question. So let’s do this. This might this might better break it down for your audience. So my background is behavioral science and human psychology that’s what I went to school for actually dropped out my senior year. 13 credits short, I got bored. But anyways, so according behavioral science, there are three forms of persuasion. And if your listeners, if you’re driving, you’re just going to remember this, if you can write this down, write this down. Because once you understand kind of where you’re at in your current sales ability, compared to where you could be, even if you’re already doing good, it’ll completely change everything for you. So first mode of communication. Izach, if I asked you this question, what is the first image that comes to your mind if I said boiler room self?

Izach Porter: The boiler room movie.

Jeremy Miner: The show up on Wall Street with Leonardo DiCaprio and I get there and they’re like, Hey, I got a great opportunity for him. They’re like manipulating and pressuring you know, high pressure sales.

Izach Porter: So that’s a cheesy. 

Jeremy Miner: Exactly. Salesy stuff from the 70s and 80s. So that’s the first form of communication. There’s a scientific term for it, but boiler room selling is pretty much what it means. So we’re the least persuasive when we attempt to dominate a prospect or posture them manipulate them or push them into doing something we want them to do. It’s just like if you told your spouse that you really need to do something for you, and then you keep pushing, pushing, pushing. What do they typically do back, they push back.

Izach Porter: It’s just human nature of equal resistance.

Jeremy Miner: It’s human behavior. We trigger sales resistance when we’re pushing most people unnecessarily down sale right. So give you kind of a few forms of the least persuasive way to sell presenting is one of those actually, that could be trouble. Because so many salespeople are taught, you have to have amazing presentations, you got to bring up your hour to an hour and a half slide deck, you got to show them, here’s our corporate office, here’s a picture of our owners, they have the best integrity, we have the best quality, we have the best service, we have a AAA rating with the Better Business Bureau, here’s our awards by the JD associates for customer service awards. And we have the best this and we have the best that you know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. How many salespeople that have ever tried to sell you something have come up to you and said, “Well, John, we have the fifth best product in the market?” Nobody. Everybody says they have the best. So to a prospect when they hear every advertisement, every company, every salesperson say that they have the best. What do you think the prospect actually thinks? You know, the discounted? It doesn’t mean anything just goes in one ear out the other. The more you talk down about your competitors. And the more you say you have the best psychologically according to the data, your prospect actually trust you less, if you ever you ever watch that show on TV, the bachelor and bachelorette on ABC? So every year, the host comes out and says what the most dramatic season ever and they’ve been seeing that for 24 years. 

Izach Porter: So those are pretty dramatic, though. 

Jeremy Miner: But nobody believes it. They say the most dramatic season ever, every single season. So it’s like you just sit there, I’m sure it is right. I think that’s what you said the last decade in a row. I’m telling your story. I hate to tell you this. Nobody cares about your story. When you’re selling one to one. Whose store do they mean they care about? They care about their own story, putting sales pressure on them, there’s a massive difference, and learning the questioning skills that trigger internal tension in the prospect that causes them to see how bad their problems are. And they have to change compared to externally putting sales pressure on them to move forward massive difference in commissions, and assuming the sale according the data very low on the persuasion poll, especially if you’re in a more of a complex sound environment that requires multiple calls and touches. So that’s the first mode of selling now the second mode, okay, kind of give you the non-scientific term is more known as consultative selling thing more of your audience would know what that meant. So we’re more persuasive when we attempt to have a discussion, came out in the 1980s. Several books, you know, sales trainers, one of them was called, his name is Neil Rackham, who is a college professor who never sold anything, by the way, but wrote a book called “Spin Selling”, where he taught that you needed to ask logical based questions to find the needs of the client which makes sense. But what’s the potential downfall of the approach? When you are only asking logical based questions, we call those surface level questions where your prospects are going to give you what type of answers surface level answers, and to human beings make buying decisions off logic or emotion, emotion 100%, as a marketer. So when we’re asking questions, like what’s keeping you awake at night? Can you tell me two challenges you’re having? Who besides you would be involved in the decision? What are you looking for in a solution? What sort of budget do you have set aside for this type of thing? Those are very surface level, and your prospects are just going to give you surface level answers and return. So we have to learn how to go below the surface. So instead of saying, you know, if, let’s say, if you’re in a B2B complex selling environment, let’s say you’re an agency owner, and you’re talking to a very large client, I don’t know, let’s say you’re talking to Fortune 1000 company, I’m not sure if any of your clients do that, or listeners, but let’s say you’re talking to a company that’s going to have 678 plus decision makers or influencers, you’re not talking to Mom paw down at the laundromat that can just decide right on the spot. And sort of in you’re trying to find the other decision makers instead of saying, who besides you’d be involved in the decision? Because most people are not going to give that information out. We’re wanting to re language yet. And we might say, “Can you walk me through your company’s decision making process when it comes to solving problems like this?” See, that question helps go below the surface more. And when they start telling you you’re going to clarify and probe off their answers to keep going deeper under the surface, that’s just an example. Right? So more persuasive than pressuring, manipulating like boiler room selling but you’re starting to play the numbers game because you’re bringing very little emotion out of asking, you know, surface level questions, third mode, here’s where we come ENPQ. So according to the data were the most persuasive when we use what’s called dialogue, when we ask what are called neuro emotional persuasion questions that stands for NEPQ. Here’s the $10 billion question, how do you get a prospect to persuade themselves? If it was that easy, everybody be doing it? Can you just walk up and say, Hey, persuade yourself? Here’s our information, send us the funds now, right? You have to learn, we talked about a specific step by step structure of questioning that will trigger your prospect to want to engage open up to you and go below the surface and actually pull you in, rather than you trying to push them forward. So that’s the third mode of communication.

Izach Porter: I want to just kind of crystallize this a little bit for listeners. So out of everything you mentioned today, the any PQ process and the three different levels of questioning, what’s the lowest hanging fruit for one of our listeners? What can they do today to become a better sales person tomorrow?

Jeremy Miner: Well, I mean, besides learning the right questions to ask at the right time with the right tonality, because here’s what we all have to understand. And I think a lot of people like I feel like I’ve an insight advantage. And like my behavioral science background, just because of this is kind of what’s taught not in a sales environment, but just how the brain works, right? Because if you’re a sales professional or business owner, and you start to understand how the brain works like neuroscience and stuff, you have kind of an unfair advantage. So the first thing you have to learn how to do is learn how to become I know that sounds kind of obvious, but you have to learn how to become like a human. And humanize your sales process. Most salespeople sound like scripted freakin robots. They’ve got their script here. And they’re sitting there on the phone or on Zoom and they’re sitting here like reading their questions off and quite literally, the prospect feels that they’re like a telemarketer. And I don’t care if you’re, you know, selling to Fortune 500 companies. All right. So you have to learn how to humanize your sales process. You have to learn. You have to be like a Hollywood actor, or an actress. I love George Clooney is one of my favorite actors. When you hear when you watch George Clooney in the film, pretty much everything he says is what “Scripted”. But does it sound scripted? No, not at all. Sounds real? Do you when you’re watching him in a movie? Do you view him as George Clooney or the character he’s portraying? Yeah. You like him as a character? Sure. And what is why is that because He’s memorized his lines as a professional salesperson. If you’re not memorizing you’re questioning and understanding why you’re even asking the questions in the first place. It’s going to come out in your tone. And when your tone is off, when you sound like a scripted robot, you’re it’s triggering sales resistance? So your prospects within the first seven to 12 seconds of any sales conversation you’re in, I don’t care if you sell B2C, B2B, it doesn’t matter. Your Prospects are picking up on social cues from you. Okay, we can’t help it subconsciously, just the way our brains work as a human being. So we’re picking up on your verbal and nonverbal cues based on your tonality. And what you are saying and are asking that triggers the brain to react. This is scary if you don’t understand this react in one of two ways. If you come across aggressive in your conversations, like assumptive, especially in the beginning, and you come across, attached and you come across needy, like you need the sale, and you don’t understand the right question, the right tone, it triggers the brain to go into what’s called fight or flight mode. Everybody’s heard of that. But most people don’t understand how what triggers fight or flight mode, what triggers our brains to go into fight or flight mode and that’s where the prospect tries to get rid of you. Oh, we don’t need it. Oh, we already use a company for that we’re not interested. Well, how much is this going to be like? I don’t have time just get to the point tell me what it’s going to cost. That’s a triggered response based on what we said and how we said it in the beginning of that conversation. Now once we learn what we call NEPQ, we learn the right tonality the right manner when we’re on our conversations. We come across more neutral in the beginning can when I say neutral I mean unbiased but I’m not quite sure we can even help like I don’t know enough information even know. You come across more unbiased you come across more calm and especially you come across more detached. Detached as the keyword you’re detached you don’t you don’t even know if you can help yet. And you understand the right question the right tonality, it triggers their brain to become curious enough, or they want to engage, or they want to open up to you because they feel like you might have something important to them. So once you learn that once you learn how to humanize your sales process, you’re going to see how your prospects become very open very, very quickly. They just view you much differently than now they view most salespeople

Izach Porter: It is fascinating stuff really interesting. A lot of what you’re saying really resonates with me as truth but I think there’s still much detail and learning, learning that and learning how to perfect an executed as part of the as part of the craft.

Jeremy Miner: It’s a craft. It’s an acquired skill. As you said, no one’s born out of your mother’s womb with advanced questioning techniques with advanced tonality and advanced objection prevention techniques like these are things you acquire and you learn. Nobody’s born with those skills. I’ll give you another tip just real quickly, because I just did a real about this just a few minutes ago, before we jumped on here. So when you’re talking with your prospect, we talk about being more neutral, like neutralizing your, your words you’re using, so they don’t trigger sales resistance. So instead of, you know, talking to the prospect and saying, hey, Izach, just to be honest with you, or just to be transparent with you, we never want to say those type of words. Because in the prospects mind, when you say, just to be honest with you, or just to be transparent with you, in most people’s mind, they’re going to question if you’ve been honest with them, or transparent with them up until that point. 

Izach Porter: I totally agree with that. I think that I actively think that when I hear people say,

Jeremy Miner: You’re triggering sales resistance. So you just would reword it and say, it just so you’re aware or just so you no. It’s the same thing but you’re being more neutral, you’re not triggering sales resistance. So just little things like that. Selling is like, I always call it’s like baseball or softball. Like you can be out or safe by like a centimeter you can make the sale or not make the sale. But a few words you just reword? And a few questions, you tweak that trigger more openness. We’re not talking about just selling to the lay down sales, right? Like every prospect you talk to have a problem or problems. And does your solution solves those? Well, that’s a yes. And he asked, why are they not buying from you? Well, it’s because of what you’re saying and not asking, that’s triggering the prospect to run the other way. So once you learn the right words to use, you learn how to become across come across more neutral, you learn the right question to ask the right tonality was you’re gonna have most of your prospects that want to chase you down and throw money at you to get them the result they’re after? And they will gladly pay you way more than your competition because they feel you understand their unique situation the most, period.

Izach Porter: That’s awesome. I think that’s really valuable stuff there.

Jeremy Miner: I hope that helped them at the end.

Izach Porter: Jeremy, how can our listeners connect with you?

Jeremy Miner: So if they want to learn more about what we do, just have them join one of our free Facebook groups so they can get some nibbles, we get a little hors d’oeuvres in there, you know, training away before they get into more of our advanced deficits, possibly as a client. So just haven’t go to So I think we gave you the link got about 30,000 people or so in there as we’re recording this right now. Sales professionals, entrepreneurs, consultants, business owners, C-Level executives, kind of sales management, everybody’s in there. And right when you join, check your DMs on Facebook Messenger, because somebody in my team will message you a free training called the NEPQ to one on one mini course, my CEO of the company will break down kind of that questioning process we talked to, and they’ll even have some questions in there that will help them sell more. And we go live in the Facebook group about three to four times a week, different trainings, different Q&A. So just give everybody a little d’oeuvres. They’ll nibbles in there. So if they want to sell more, that’d be a good place to start looking at that, for sure.

Izach Porter: Perfect. Really appreciate that.

Jeremy Miner: Thanks for having me. Appreciate it, brother.Izach Porter (PODCAST OUTRO): Thanks everyone for listening to this episode of the “Deal Closers” podcast, brought to you by If you liked the show, be sure to rate us, write a review, press the follow button and share it with your network. And of course if you’re looking for help selling your e-commerce business, be sure to visit This episode was edited and produced by Earfluence. I’m Izach Porter. Follow me on LinkedIn, and we’ll see you next time on the “Deal Closers” podcast.
