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Tips to Keep in Mind with Your Amazon Online Business for Sale Listing

Reviewed By Ron Matheson

Written By Digital Market Group Adams/Freedman

Published April 3, 2018

Updated November 25, 2019


What you include in your online business for sale listing, including when selling an Amazon business, is extremely important as it will appeal directly to the ideal buyers. It can also make a significant difference between a long painful buying process and a quick sale. Knowing how to do it right by leveraging the powers of an online business broker can be extremely helpful for building your business.

With 9 out of 10 prospective buyers looking online for opportunities to acquire new companies, it is extremely important to consider how to reach the broadest possible audience of ideal buyers for your Amazon business.

A business broker will be there are your side to help you with all aspects of your sale from end to end and to answer your questions along the way.

Ready to Sell Your Amazon Business? Review This List First!

There are several things you need to keep in mind when selling an Amazon business as it relates directly to your business listing. These include:

  • Including a geographic location. This is not as important if you have a completely online business, however, if you have a lot of physical inventory, it may be important to include the geographic location directly.
  • Key financials. You need to be able to share the seller’s discretionary earnings or the annual cash flow. This will make it possible for a potential buyer to know whether or not your business meets the investment capability and income and investment needs.
  • The right contact information. Don’t put your personal phone number or a business phone number, although buyers do want to see a phone number. Make sure you direct this to your online business broker.
  • Use a strong headline. Your online business broker can tell you that when selling an Amazon business, the headline must grab a potential buyer’s attention and peak their interest.
  • List your company in two different categories. For maximum exposure, consider a category for each type of option applicable to your business. Your online business broker can help you. With your Amazon business for sale, you need to ensure you have a comprehensive approach to listing it.
  • Include pictures. Try to present pictures that convey the quality of any aspects that could heighten buyer interest.
  • Be specific and descriptive. Don’t be stingy with details when selling an Amazon business online. When selling an Amazon business with the support of an online business broker, you want to ensure that you have captured the right information to share that makes a big difference.
  • Retain confidentiality. Although you want to keep your business identity private, provide as much information as you can to prompt buyer interest.
  • Upgrade a listing if doing so will enhance responses. If you are uncertain about the benefits, consider a basic ad and an upgrade later if you’re not happy.
  • Proofread. Working with an online business broker can help you avoid many of the most common missteps in the process of selling an Amazon business.


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