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The target is a great opportunity to capitalize on the growing BlockChain and BitCoin cryptocurrency market by delivering news & related content directly to miners, buyers & the BTC community as a whole. This Internet Company has realized profitable growth with an agile & easily monetized content delivery model that offers readers everything from commentary to investing tips.

The company is primarily a News Resource that generates revenue through advertising agreements. With over 100,000 visitors per month landing on the website, and growing, the site is an attractive advertising platform for those that operate directly in the sector as well as for those that operate any near verticals and monitor the space. The site provides fresh, new content to its readers through writers around the world on various topics associated with BlockChain technology & BitCoin. Major players are now beginning to see the benefits of BlockChain; for instance, the world’s largest payments network, Visa, is expanding its new technology center in India to focus on BlockChain technology development for its global endeavors. With such a focus on this technology, this company will continue to be a great, and ever increasing, resource of information.

With the market for BlockChain & BitCoin continuing to grow, the business possesses clear potential to expand rapidly in the right direction under new management. As a well-situated content delivery news site, this business has the foundation laid with advertisers, affiliates and content contributors built-in and is ready to hit the ground running in every way.

Featuring a completely streamlined and low overhead model that requires a bare minimum of daily oversight – this news outlet is well respected and widely known throughout the industry by all major players in the sector. This business is ready to be taken to the next level by its new owner – whether you are new to the space or looking for a secure investment in the growing BlockChain and BTC market, this business is certain to continue to build upon its notable growth in the hands of the right buyer.

This business is represented by:
Technology & Internet Business Brokers

Asking Price
$ 575,000
Cash Flow
$ 249,743
Gross Income
$ 278,800
Year Established

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