Jeff Hanson got his start in International Business Development. He quickly became an expert on the nuances of international markets and has worked on projects spanning more than 25 different countries. In the international business arena, Jeff was exposed to the vast world of supply chain management and all the challenges international logistics can encounter. It was here that Jeff honed his communication skills, understanding what it takes to communicate effectively with people all over the world. It wasn’t until after he sold his first business that he realized how much expertise his inside viewpoint brought to the buzzing world of mergers and acquisitions.
As a broker, Jeff enjoys learning the ins and outs of his sellers’ businesses. Having a team mindset to achieve the very best for sellers and buyers, he likes to view himself as part of their business and works to achieve the best possible results as he would for a company of his own.
It is a privilege to constantly work with people who understand what it takes to build a business from scratch, and creating a favorable exit for them is extremely rewarding. With a goal in mind and his eye set on the needs of his clients, Jeff aims to partner with each and every business to drive real value and lasting accomplishment. Ensuring that his sellers understand each step in the process of selling their businesses is crucial in ensuring that everyone is on the same page and moving toward the desired goal. To this end, Jeff prides himself on his strong communication skills and transparency.
Greatly valuing his wife and three kids, Jeff loves to spend his free time outside with his family. From exploring to sports, he always finds new activities to experience with his family.