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Case Studies

E-Commerce Retailer Uses Website Closers to Expand on Massive Growth Opportunities – Case Study

Summary: The women's fashion space is especially competitive, meaning that it takes a company that must be able to stand out in the right way to attract prospective buyers. An[...]

Closing Price: 35,000,000

eCommerce Retailer – Case Study

Summary: This eCommerce retailer presented with 35 brands and a powerful lead on the worlds largest eCommerce platform, The target was a highly private sale of a dynamic retailer[...]

Closing Price: 85,000,000

SaaS Provider of Business Management Software – Case Study

Summary: This BSM company presented with high LTVs, strong KPIs and a very low risk profile for the space, making it a very attractive acquisition target. The target was a[...]

Closing Price: 40,000,000

eCommerce Brand – Case Study

Summary: An exciting eCommerce company came to Website Closers with a strong growth rate and attractive repeat customer rate. This eCommerce Company was well positioned both on Amazon and on[...]

Closing Price: 4,000,000