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Have a Website for Sale? Find Business Brokers with Years of Experience

Posted by Izach Porter in Articles


Albert Einstein once said, “The only source of knowledge is experience.” This statement is true no matter how it is applied. If you have a website for sale, or are looking into finding out information on how to sell a company, you’ll do yourself a great service by locating business brokers with many years of experience in the industry.

In 2016, the internet (as we know it), which is also referred to as the World Wide Web, turned 25 years old. That means that a company that comes close to matching that time will have the most experience possible selling and buying websites, and will have seen the many ups and downs of the internet, nuances and pitfalls played out during changes in algorithms, trends, seasons, etc. Experience, really, counts for so much that when it comes time to find a business broker to sell your website, find one with not just one or two years of experience, but more like a couple of decades of experience to fully benefit.

Another source of experience, of course, is the sheer number of negotiations and sales that have been completed over those couple of decades. You wouldn’t want to hire business brokers that have sold one or two sites for clients, but rather, you want to find one with a long list of client testimonials that sing the company’s praises.

When you are ready to learn how to sell a company, and decide you want help with the matter, find business brokers that don’t just have the years of experience under their belt, but also have an enviable list of clients that go back to them again and again. This is, really, the true test of a qualified and successful business broker, and one you should be aligning yourself with if you have a website for sale. is a boutique brokerage firm that has been working in the business of selling websites since 1998. On their site you will find a long list of client testimonials that are proof of their experience, leadership, and success at the closing table, before and post sale. If you have a website for sale and would like a free consultation, call them at 800-251-1559 to arrange one today.
