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Hire a Seasoned Business Broker When You Sell a Business Online

Posted by Remy Belanger in Articles


These days, most people like to do things for themselves, whether it is repairing the washing machine, changing the brake pads on their car, or even planning a long, extensive trip. One thing that individuals are encouraged not to do on their own is put their own website up for sale. Sure, you might drive around town and notice many homes and businesses “For Sale by Owner,” and think – isn’t it the same online? It isn’t. Even though a brick and mortar business and an ecommerce platform might all be serving the same purpose (selling goods to customers), the process by which they are sold is completely different.

Keep in mind that entrepreneurs who decide to sell their business online may have many emotions about doing so. Perhaps they are overly eager to get the deal done or they are emotionally connected with the business for one reason or another and know they will have a hard time parting with it. When you hire a seasoned business broker, they can help you with both extremes – for one, the eager entrepreneur should slow down and allow the business broker to decide the best season to take the company to market, and perhaps how best to optimize the future profit by making various changes within the company. Conversely, the business broker can help take the emotion out of the sale for the entrepreneur who will have a hard time parting with the business entity.

What are some of the other things an entrepreneur should look for when it comes to hiring a seasoned business broker?

1)      Length of time in the industry – How many years or decades has this business broker been buying and selling websites?

2)      Free consultation & website valuation? Do they offer their clients a free website valuation and consultation to get them started?

3)      No commission until site is sold – Do they put their client first and hold off on taking a commission until their client’s site has sold?

If you are looking for a seasoned business broker to sell your business online, contact today at 1-800-251-1559. With over 20 years of experience putting websites up for sale and serving their clients with the highest form of customer service, entrepreneurs who are ready to sell their business online will find great success with them.
